Michael, king of Romania


Michael, 1921–, king of Romania (1927–30, 1940–47). His father, Prince Carol (later Carol II), renounced his right of succession in 1925, and young Michael ascended the throne under a regency on the death of Ferdinand. However, in 1930 his father returned to be recognized as king. When Carol II was deposed in 1940, Michael once more became king. In 1944 he overthrew the dictatorship of Ion Antonescu and concluded an armistice with the Allies (see Romania). Conflicts with the Communist-dominated coalition government after World War II led to his abdication (Dec., 1947) and exile; he was stripped of his Romanian citizenship a year later. He married Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma in 1948. Since the collapse (1989) of Communist rule in Romania, his citizenship has been restored (1997) and he has reestablished a residence in Romania.

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from: http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0833012.html

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