Eastwell Park seen by Anne Finch Countess of Winchilsea

Eastwell Park

Eastwell Park Manor

Eastwell Park (Kent county) was the residence of Alfred Duke of Edinburgh’s family and also the birthplace of Princess Marie of Edinburgh, later queen of Romania who wrote in her memoirs a beutifull description of the estate. Another famous resident with artistic inclinations was Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea who lived there in late 17th century. She was one of the earliest published women poets in England. Here is one of Anne Finch’s beautiful poems:

An invocation to the Southern Winds (1703) - extract -

Whilst Eastwell Park does each soft gale invite,

There let them meet and revel in delight

Amidst the silver beeches spread their wings

Where ev’ry bird as in Arcadia sings.

Where the tall stag in the descending boughs,

May brush the beamy product of his brows

Where lesser deer o’run th’extended lawns

And does are follow’d by unnumbered fawns.

The even plains invite the racer’s feet

As valour steady and as fancy fleet.

Whilst fragrant turf under the Rider’s heart revives,

And paradise surrounds him while he strives.

Where two fair heads the true Parnassus grace,

And Poetry’s a native of the place.

Those Eastwell hills let ev’ry breeze renew,

Which from adjoining seats kind neighbours view;

Pleas’d in the artful gardens which they boast,

With such a prospect rais’d on nature’s cost…

Eastwell Park Landscape
Eastwell Park Landscape

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