Speech on behalf of King Michael I at the Annual Royal Reception for the Diplomatic Corps, at the State Hall of the Pelesh Castle, November 29, 2014

Monseigneur Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
Your Excellencies,
Three quarters of a century ago, King Michael, my father, addressed the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Romania for the first time. Almost a 150 years ago, his ancestor, Carol I, established the first diplomatic relations of the State of Romania.
After 50 years of exile, in 1997, the King held a Reception for the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Bucharest, to pay tribute to your exceptional work and to underline the importance that the Romanian Royal House attaches to bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.
King Michael is pleased that Pelesh Castle is again hosting our Annual Reception for the Diplomatic Corps and has asked Prince Radu and myself to address you on his behalf. We are happy to be joined by Princess Marie, my sister, by Prince Nicholas, our nephew, as well as by my father’s cousin, Archduchess Maria Magdalena ofAustria, granddaughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie, and her husband, the Baron of Holzhausen.
Since our last meeting here, in November 2013, many events of importance took place. Most recently, on the occasion of the Open Doors event at Elisabeta Palace, The King was shown much love and respect from Romanians from all over the country and from Moldova, who came to wish him a happy birthday. The King also hosted a dinner for 9 former Heads of State, who were the first democratic leaders of countries in Central and Eastern Europe, when Communism fell 25 years ago. The King granted the Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Romania to Lech Walesa, President of the Polish Republic (1990-1996) and Nobel Prize laureate.
Je vždy smutné dozvědět se, že některý z velvyslanců dospěl ke konci svého diplomatického mandátu a opouští Rumunsko. Pane velvyslanče České republiky, do nadcházejících let vám přejeme mnoho úspěchů v profesním i osobním životě. Děkujeme vám za váš přínos k rozvoji vztahů mezi našimi zeměmi. Vaše Excelence, jste příkladem profesionality, lidskosti i loajality, kterou prokazujete své zemi.
(Este întotdeauna trist să afli că unii dintre ambasadori vor încheia mandatul diplomatic și vor părăsi România. Domnule ambasador al Republicii Cehe, vă dorim numai succese profesionale și personale în anii care vin! Vă mulțumim pentru contribuția pe care ați adus-o la dezvoltarea relațiilor dintre țările noastre. Sunteți un exemplu de profesionalism, umanitate și loialitate pentru țara Excelenței Voastre).
C’est avec plaisir que nous saluons l’arrivée en Roumanie du nouvel ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire de la République française, monsieur François Saint-Paul.
Durant les derniers douze mois, Paris nous a fait deux précieux cadeaux. La Roumanie a reçu la place d’honneur au Salon du Livre l’année passée. Cette année, une prestigieuse maison d’éditions parisienne a publié le merveilleux livre «Histoire de ma vie», écrit en 1936 par la Reine Marie, figure légendaire de notre Histoire et membre d’honneur de l’Académie française des Beaux Arts.
We welcome the arrival of the new Ambassador of Her Britannic Majesty to Bucharest, Mr Paul Brummell. Indeed, the last of our 16 official visits abroad this year will be in London, next week. Together with the President and First Lady of Albania, Prince Radu and I will be the guests of honour of the City of London’s Annual Banquet. Prince Nicholas will join us. We were privileged to have, throughout this year, a number of meetings with the British Royal Family, continuing our projects with The Duke of Edinburgh Award, promoting ecology, tourism, supporting architectural heritage, young people’s talent and arts.
En las últimas dos décadas, la Familia Real Rumana ha tenido una presencia dinámica, en el Reino de España. Quisimos apoyar el crecimiento de nuestras relaciones económicas, culturales y académicas. También, quisimos siempre estar serca de las grandes comunidades de rumanos de España y Italia. Somos felices de saludar la llegada en Rumania del nuevo Embajador Español, Su Excelencia Don Ramiro Fernandez Bachiller, y a felicitar la nación española por la proclamación de Su Majestad el Rey Don Felipe VI.
(Familia Regală a României a avut o dinamică prezență în ultimele două decenii, în Regatul Spaniei. Am dorit să sprijinim dezvoltarea relațiilor noastre economice, culturale, educaționale. De asemenea, am fost mereu interesați să fim alături de marea comunitate românească, atât cea din Spania, cât și cea din Italia. Suntem, de aceea, fericiți să salutăm sosirea în România a noului ambasador spaniol, Excelența Sa dl Ramiro Fernández Bachiller, și să felicităm națiunea spaniolă pentru proclamarea noului Suveran, Majestatea Sa Regele Felipe al VI-lea).
Tasharafat alaeela al malikah hatha al am bi tamathil Rumania, fi al Mamlaka Al Maghribya, wa Al Mamlaka Al Urdunia Al Hashemia, wad dawlat Qatar. Kama annana soaada litatweer alela kaat al taqlidiah baina Rumania wadwal shamal ifriquia wadwal asharq Al Awsat wa dwal al Khaleej.
(Familia Regală a avut onoarea de a reprezenta România, anul acesta, în Regatul Marocului, Regatul Hașemit al Iordaniei și în Statul Qatar. Suntem bucuroși să ducem mai departe misiunea de a dezvolta tradiționalele noastre relații cu țările din Nordul Africii, din Orientul Mijlociu și din Golf).
Un mot particulier pour la manière si chaleureuse et courtoise avec laquelle la Famille Royale a été reçue, cette année, au Royaume du Maroc. Un pays avec un rôle clé dans la région, raison pour laquelle il mérite une attention beaucoup plus soutenue de la part des pays européens. Le Maroc a visiblement changé depuis notre dernière visite, en 2005. Nous espérons pouvoir réaliser un important évènement culturel, économique, éducationnel et diplomatique en 2015, dédié au Maroc d’aujourd’hui.
Dieses Jahr, hatte ich das Privileg an der 25-jährigen Feier der Fall der Berliner Mauer teilzunehmen. Ich war ein Gast der Berliner Akademie und hatte die Ehre, bei der Konferenz des Instituts fur Kulturelle Diplomatie, Sprecher zu sein.
(Anul acesta am avut privilegiul de a participa la Berlin, la celebrarea a 25 de ani de la Căderea Zidului. Am fost oaspetele Academiei din Berlin și am fost onorat să iau cuvântul la Conferința Institutului de Diplomație Culturală).
It was moving to experience such warmth and support from Romanians, on the occasion of the Garden Party, on the 10th of May. The same warmth we felt on the National Day, last year, when the Royal Train stopped, symbolically, in each railway station between Sinaia and Bucharest, where we met local communities and their elected leaders. On both occasions, distinguished members of the Diplomatic Corps were with us.
Nous préparons, pour 2015, une série de missions économiques pour mieux connaître les opportunités financières et économiques de notre pays au Danemark, en Suède et en Norvège. Nous espérons aussi pouvoir retourner au Royaume de Jordanie, pour célébrer 50 ans de relations diplomatiques et pour promouvoir les investissements bilatéraux.
Vos Excellences,
Nos relations avec le Corps Diplomatique ne seraient jamais celles d’aujourd’hui, sans l’apport généreux de la part du Doyen du Corps Diplomatique, Son Excellence l’Archevêque Francisco Javier Lozano.
Monseigneur le Nonce Apostolique,
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir prendre la parole, au nom du Corps Diplomatique accrédité en Roumanie.
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