Prince Radu of Romania withdraws from presidential race

Prince Radu Duda announced on Wednesday he withdraws from the presidential race. ‘I withdraw with regrets but with hope for the future,’ Prince Radu wrote on his blog.

‘Once I withdraw, the electoral fight would not be an electoral one, but a fight between clans,’ Duda wrote, adding that the current president started the privatization of the Romanian state, the next one will continue the privatization.

In his message Prince Radu also addresses King Mihai I. ‘The blessing you gave me in order to run was the greatest sign of trust I have ever received in my life. Through it you gave me the chance to become useful for my country. You will have to wait, however. The tenants of history are still there, unmoved,’ Prince Radu wrote.

Further the Prince wrote that ‘profound Romania of today is aware of my presidential project and has, at a great extent, the feeling we need another kind of country, another kind of state, other kind of institutions. We need ethics and professionalism.

The Princess and I are waiting for you all who believe Romania deserves a respectable state, professional institutions, pride and ethics, to build, during the following years, THE OTHER KIND OF ROMANIA,’ the Prince’s message reads.

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