FOTO Interviuri cu membrii Familiei Regale a României în revista regală suedeză Kungliga Magasinet

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Kungliga Magasinet - Familia Regală a României

Principesa Moștenitoare Margareta, Principele Radu și Principele Nicolae au acceptat să răspună întrebărilor lui Roger Lundgren de la revistei regală suedeze Kungliga Magasinet. Iată câteva dintre declarațiile Altețelor Lor Regale.:

Kungliga Magasinet: Prince Nicholas, you are quite new at the royal circles and got your royal status from your grandfather king Michael as late as in 2007.

Nicholas: Yes, I grew up in Great Britain. It took a long time until I realized that my grandfather was somehow special, that he was a king and the family had a royal inheritance. For me he has always been a grandfather. But as an adult I have travelled with him, and seen the respect he gets everywhere. I was with him at the funeral of Otto von Habsburg and it was touching to see how all the royals, politicians and other prominent persons greeted him. I have also learned that he means very much for many Romanians.

What contacts the prince has had with Romania?

N: For the first time I went to Romania when I was a little boy. Then my grandparents and the rest of the family were greeted by big crowds of people. Of course I thought that was very exciting. But my life was in Great Britain. Nowadays I live in Bucharest in my own apartment and work part time at a publishing house and try to help my family with representation. I try to learn to speak Romanian fluently, which isn’t easy.

How has it been getting used to living a royal life?
N: It was a little special to become a prince in a one night, which I became although I am a grandchild of a king and related to the most royal houses in Europe. I take small steps and follow my aunt and uncle. I see how they work and I think it is exciting. We must remember that Romania is a republic and we as the royal family create our roles ourselves, but I think it has gone well so far.

It makes me inevitably wonder: your grandfather has appointed the prince as the future head of the Romanian royal family. You are number three in succession order after your aunt and mother. If Romania would like to reinstate the monarchy, would the prince then be ready to be a king?

N: It is obvious that if the Romanian people would want to reinstate the monarchy as a form of government, will I and my family members set up. Otherwise I would never have agreed to the fine title and the trust my grandfather showed me a few years ago.


Prince Radu, Romania has not formally been a monarchy since 1947 when your father-in-law was forced to abdicate. Despite this, you seem to have contacts with all the other royal houses in Europe. How is it possible?

Radu: The relations between the Romanian royal family and the other royal houses go back to the late 1800s when King Carol I established contacts with the other royal families. There are also family connections with the other royal families. The friendship between the Swedish and the Romanian royal families was strongest between King Gustaf VI Adolf and Queen Helen. She lived in exile in Italy in Villa Sparta for many years and the Swedish king visited her when he was in Italy. We have many photographs from that time.

How do you see the connection with the Swedish royal family today?
R: We have a very good relationship with the royal family. The royal couple has visited Romania and we have visited them in Solliden. We attended at the wedding of the crown princess and the king’s 60th birthday and I and crown princess Margarita visit Sweden as often as we can. We have spent private holidays in Sweden and visited Malmö together with empress Farah at the end of 1990s. During this visit we had lunch with prince Daniel, prince Carl Philip, princess Christina and her husband Tord Magnuson.

How is the prince's relationship with your parents-in-law?
R: My parents-in-law are outstanding people. They haven't had easy lives during all the years in exile. They had no fortune to live with and five daughters to support, my father-in-law had to work hard. When Ceausescu ruled Romania my father-in-law was always observed, though he lived in Switzerland, Ceausescu was terrified of the king and wanted him under surveillance. When Romania became free in 1989 my in-laws tried to enter the country. But it was difficult for them. Governments were long afraid of their popularity. 1992 the Royal Couple went home to Bucharest and were greeted by a million people. The government was frightened even more, and for five years the king was banned to go home. But in 1997, my father-in-law got back his citizenship and later the government even returned his home, castle Elisabeta, where I and Crown Princess Margarita have lived for many years.

I understand that Prince Radu has a background from the film and theater world. What has it meant for you in your royal role, have experience as an actor?
R: Actually a lot. Many of our tasks are about to appear in front of people, give speeches and be relaxed in public places. I feel that my education from the University of Bucharest, where I studied drama and film, gives me a good ground to stand on. After I began to represent the royal family, I have also received several assignments from the Romanian state. It has been a great honor for me to work for my country.

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