FOTO Recepţie regală la Castelul Peleș dedicată Corpului Diplomatic

Holul de Onoare de la Castelul Peleș a găzduit vineri, 29 noiembrie 2013, o seară în cinstea Corpului Diplomatic. În numele Regelui Mihai I, Principesa Moștenitoare și Principele Radu au primit ambasadori acreditați la București și pe soțiile lor.
Recepția a cuprins discursurile Familiei Regale și Decanului Corpului Diplomatic, un concert, susținut de Tinerele Talente ale Fundației Principesa Margareta a României în Sala de Muzică, și o recepție, în Salonul Italian.
Serile Palatului Regal dedicate Corpului Diplomatic au o tradiție de aproape un secol și jumătate. Majestatea Sa Regele Mihai a reluat această tradiție în anul 1997, atunci când a revenit în România.
Speech on behalf of His Majesty King Michael I given by Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu on the occasion of the Annual Royal Reception for the Diplomatic Corps at Pelesh Castle
November 29, 2013, 4 pm
Monseigneur Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
Your Excellencies,
73 years ago, in December 1940, a few months after his proclamation as King of Romania, His Majesty addressed the Diplomatic Corps for the first time. This took place in the Throne Room, at the Royal Palace on Calea Victoriei. Ever since, King Michael has kept a close connection with the world of diplomacy, in order to support democracy and freedom, even in the difficult years of the Cold War.
In 1997, at the invitation of the Government, after 50 years of exile, His Majesty could finally spend Christmas in Romania again. One of the first public actions of the Royal Family was a reception for the Diplomatic Corps, just before the end of that year. Thus, we returned to a tradition that is a part of the very essence of the Royal Institution: diplomacy.
King Michael thanks you for your presence today at Pelesh Castle and has asked Prince Radu and myself to address you on His behalf, at the royal reception organised in your honour tonight.
The history of Pelesh Castle is synonymous with the history of Romanian Diplomacy. During the construction of the building, many of our diplomatic relations with your countries were established.
Siempre es triste enterarse de que algunos de Vuestras Excelencias llegan al final de su mandato diplomático y abandonan Rumanía. Les deseamos todos los éxitos profesionales y personales para el futuro. Les agradecemos por su contribución al desarrollo de las relaciones entre nuestros países. Esperamos volverlos a ver donde sea en otras partes del mundo.
La diplomatie bilatérale et celle multilatérale exercent chaque jour une influence considerable dans la vie publique d’aujourd’hui. Ceci est vrai dans des domaines importants comme l’économie, l’éducation et la culture.
Malgré les infinies possibilités d’information du monde électronique, le rôle de la diplomatie, celui de créer des ponts entre nos sociétés et nos cultures, est irremplaçable.
Notre pays a été très fier de recevoir la place d’honneur, cette année, au Salon du Livre de Paris. Nous avons lancé deux livres sur la Maison Royale de Roumanie et prononcé un discours sur le liant historique entre la République française et la Roumanie.
Die koenigliche Familie Rumaeniens hatte im Jahre 2013 eine dynamische Praesenz im Ausland. Wir waren zwei Mal in Deutschland zu Besuch, in den Bundeslaendern Baden Wuerttemberg und Bayern. Dabei hatten wir Begegnungen mit Politikern, Geschaeftsleuten und Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft. Auch haben wir Oesterreich besucht, wo wir im Monat September drei Tage in der wunderschoenen Stadt Salzburg verbringen konnten.
Sua Maesta’ il Re ha visitato la Citta’ del Vaticano a febbraio 2013. Nella presenza del Papa Bendetto XVI, il Re, accanto alla Principessa Ereditaria, ha partecipato alla Santa Messa tenuta presso la Basilica di San Pietro, dedicata al 900. anniversario del riconoscimento del Sovrano Ordine di Malta.
The Royal Family was proud to represent Romania on important visits abroad, such as to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Albania. And, of course, the visit we made to the United States of America, where we met with influential businessmen, leaders of civil society and scholars.
We were delighted to receive in Romania Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of Wessex, after ourselves being received by Her Britannic Majesty at Buckingham Palace, and meeting with His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at Clarence House.
We were also very proud to receive in Bucharest and Sinaia Their Royal Highness the Hereditary Prince and Princess of Baden, as well as Her Royal Highness Princess Muna Al-Hussein of Jordan.
Nous préparons, pour le prochain douze mois, une série de missions économiques pour faire connaitre les opportunités financiers et économiques de notre pays en Asie et en Amérique.
Monseigneur le Doyen du Corps Diplomatique, nous vous remercions pour votre présence au Château de Pelesh, lors de cet important évènement, et pour votre appui sans prix dans ces rencontres annuelles. Nous vous prions, par la suite, de bien vouloir prendre la parole, au nom du Corps Diplomatique accrédité en Roumanie.

FOTO: Daniel Angelescu
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