King Mihai severs dynastic, historical ties with House of Hohenzollern

The announcement came as Romania yesterday marked Monarchy Day and the 90-year jubilee of the monarch.

King Mihai yesterday announced the severing of all historical and dynastic ties between the Romanian Royal House and the House of Hohenzollern. According to a press release from the Royal House of Romania, the announcement was made in line with a decision of King Ferdinand I in 1921, in order to give a national and independent nature to the Dynasty and Royal House of Romania.

The document contains three articles and mentions that the decision comes into effect immediately. “In line with the wish of our late grandfather, His Majesty King Ferdinand I and with his decision in 1921, the royal family of Romania and its members bore and bear the name ‘of Romania.’ But as of May 10, 2011, the Royal House of Romania will no longer bear the name of ‘Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen’ and will no longer be known under the name ‘House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.’ The Romanian Royal House will be known from now on as the ‘Royal House of Romania,’” the document reads.

Another article in the text mentions that members of the Romanian Royal House are also giving up all titles bestowed upon them by the heads of the House of Hohenzollern. “As of May 10, 2011, no member of the Romanian Royal Family will be able to or have the right to bear or use any title bestowed (inherited or ad personam) by any head of the House of Hohenzollern. The head of the Royal House of Romania remains the only authority that can approve or accept any title or distinction,” the release says.

The document also adds that the Fundamental Norms of the Royal House of Romania will be amended so as to edit out the names Hohenzollern, Hohen­zollern-Sigmaringen and Hohen­zollern-Veringen when attached to the names of any Royal House members.

The House of Hohenzollern is one of the most important dynasties in European history that gave rulers to Prussia, Germany and Romania. Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen is a branch of the Hohenzollern dynasty which led Prussia and Germany until 1918. The House of Hohenzollern was elected ruling dynasty in Romania in 1866.

King Mihai’s announcement came as Romania yesterday marked Monarchy Day and the 90-year jubilee of the monarch. The entire year, in fact, will include special events marking King Mihai’s 90th birthday, most notably in May and October (as the actual birthday of the King is on October 25).

After receiving the Citizen of Honour medal and title from the township of Calarasi on Monday, King Mihai was set yesterday to also be granted the distinction “The Freedom of the City of London” from the Guild of Freemen of the City of London, in a special ceremony at Elisabeta Palace, followed by an official dinner.

Earlier yesterday, the King also met with representatives of the Romanian Motorcyclists’ Associa­tion and granted his High Patronage to the organisation. The motorcyclists then accompanied the King’s motorcade to the statue of King Carol I, in the Palace Square, where members of the royal family laid a wreath of flowers.

After that, King Mihai launched the volume “The King’s World” at the National History Museum in Bucharest, in the presence of Princess Margareta and Prince Radu and hundreds of supporters who were carrying flags of the Royal House, according to Mediafax. The 320-page volume consists of articles about the King, signed by various politicians, diplomats, religious and cultural figures.

This morning, the King will also grant royal decorations to international and Romanian leading personalities, after which Elisabeta Palace will host an official dinner in the evening. Tomorrow, the King will host a Garden Party at the palace, to be attended by about 2,000 leading representatives of local communities in Romania.

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